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巴斯夫紫外线吸收剂 Tinuvin 479

巴斯夫紫外线吸收剂 Tinuvin 479


马上拨打电话021-59902198咨询巴斯夫紫外线吸收剂 Tinuvin 479相关信息

Product Description Tinuvin®479 is a hydroxyphenyl-triazine (HPT) UV absorber designed to fulfill the highperformance and durability needs for automotive and industrial finishes.Key Features & Benefits - Extremely high extinction coefficient in the UV-B and UV-A range- Low volatility/low migration- Excellent photo-permanenceChemical Composition Hydroxyphenyl-triazine UV absorberPropertiesTypical Characteristics Appearance light yellow crystalline powderSolubility at 20°C (g/100 g solution):butyldiglycol 2butanol < 1butyl acetate 17butylglycol acetate 12methoxypropl acetate 10methoxypropanol 1Solvesso® 100 ¹ 23Solvesso® 150 ¹ 10

water < 0.01
¹ registered trademark of Esso
These typical values should not be interpreted as specifications.

December 2010 Rev 1 Page 2 of 3

UV Transmittance Spectrumin chloroform, cell thickness: 1 cm

Line one: 0.001% Tinuvin® 479, corresponds to 0.25% in a 40 µm filmLine two: 0.002% Tinuvin® 479, corresponds to 0.50% in a 40 µm filmLine three: 0.003% Tinuvin® 479, corresponds to 0.75% in a 40 µm filmLine four: 0.004% Tinuvin® 479, corresponds to 1.0% in a 40 µm filmLine five: 0.006% Tinuvin® 479, corresponds to 1.5% in a 40 µm filmApplicationsTinuvin® 479 is a HPT UV absorber that provides excellent performance in coatings due to:• Extremely high extinction coefficient• Very high photo stability for long life performance• Very high thermal stability and performance for coatings exposed to high bake cycles and /or extreme environmental conditions• Very low volatility• Excellent performance in thin film applications• Ideal spectral coverage in combination with other UV absorbersTinuvin® 479 has been developed as an interaction-free UV absorber to be used in amine and / ormetal catalyzed coating systems or in coatings applied on base coats containing such catalysts.Its high extinction coefficient allows the formulation of coatings with reduced UV absorber levels and /or thin film applications. Combinations especially with other HPT UV absorbers and the newestgeneration photoinitiators makes it an excellent choice for UV curing coatings.Tinuvin® 479 is recommended for automotive OEM and refinish systems, UV cured coatings, andindustrial finishes where long life performance is essential. Due to the high extinction coefficient andsuperior photostability applications specifically include thin film applications. Depending on theapplication, the spectral coverage can be further broadened through combinations with other UVabsorbers of the hydroxyphenyl-triazine or hydroxyphenyl-benzotriazole class such as Tinuvin® 400 orTinuvin® 928.The protective effects of Tinuvin® 479 can be enhance when used in combination with hindered aminelight stabilizers (HALS) such as Tinuvin® 123, Tinuvin® 292, or Tinuvin® 152. These combinationsprovide best protection against gloss reduction, cracking, blistering, delamination, and color change.The light stabilizers may be added to clear coats, base coats, or solid shades.The amount of Tinuvin® 479 required for optimum performance should be determined in trialscovering a concentration range.Recommend Concentrations 0.5 – 2 % Tinuvin® 479 (or Tinuvin® 479 + Tinuvin® 400, weight ratio 1:2,or Tinuvin® 479 + Tinuvin® 928, weight ratio 1:2)+0.5 – 2.0 % Tinuvin® 123 or Tinuvin® 292 or Tinuvin® 152(concentrations are based on weight percent binder solids)December 2010 Rev 1 Page 3 of 3SafetyGeneral The usual safety precautions when handling chemicals must be observed. These include themeasures described in Federal, State and Local health and safety regulations, thorough ventilation ofthe workplace, good skin care and wearing of protective goggles.Material Safety Data Sheet All safety information is provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet Tinuvin® 479.ImportantWhile the descriptions, designs, data and information contained herein are presented in good faithand believed to be accurate, they are provided for guidance only. Because many factors may affectprocessing or application/use, BASF recommends that the reader make tests to determine thesuitability of a product for a particular purpose prior to use. NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND,EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE REGARDINGPRODUCTS DESCRIBED OR DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION SET FORTH, OR THAT THEPRODUCTS, DESCRIPTIONS, DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION MAY BE USED WITHOUTINFRINGING THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF OTHERS. In no case shall thedescriptions, information, data or designs provided be considered a part of BASF's terms andconditions of sale. Further, the descriptions, designs, data, and information furnished by BASFhereunder are given gratis and BASF assumes no obligation or liability for the descriptions, designs,data or information given or results obtained all such being given and accepted at the reader's risk.Tinuvin is a registered trademark of BASF Group.
